- Alhambra Elementary School District
- Alhambra Governing Board Members
- Mat Nevarez, Member
Mat Nevarez, Member
Born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, Mat Nevarez is proud to have come from the public education system and is a first-generation college graduate, achieving both his Bachelor’s in Social Work and a Master’s in Public Policy. Mr. Navarez has worked with homeless and at-risk youth, students of all ages- Elementary to College, and individuals with disabilities; helping them achieve goals in Education, Workforce Development, & Independent Living skills programs.
For fun, he participated and played in band ensembles, and dance classes at ASU, played Rugby for an All-inclusive team, was an Event Planner and a self-taught home cook. Mr. Navarez is a "Change Agent" often called to serve & assist with transitioning, restructuring, recruitment, retention, and leadership development initiatives.
Mr. Navarez is currently serving as an Ombudsman for the State of Arizona in the Rehabilitation Services Administration. A Child Monitor with Community Solutions inc. over the weekend and a current fellow for the Leading For Change- organization. He is committed to uplifting underserved communities as part of his lifelong work and believes "Our students are hungry for the opportunity to thrive in a society that was created before them. It is our obligation, our duty, and ultimately our purpose to feed them the appropriate recipes, blended for success."To contact an Alhambra Schools Governing Board member, please reach out to the Superintendent's office at 602-336-2920