• As the summer vacation quickly comes to an end, we are excited to welcome our new and returning Roadrunners to Granada West Elementary School! The Welcome Back to School Parent Roadrunner Newsletter was mailed and given out to our new and returning families. It is also posted on our school website www.alhambraesd.org. Please choose under school “Granada West Elementary”.

    Please welcome the following new teachers to Granada West Elementary School:

    Transitional/First Grade (T1): Nicole Barraza

    4th Grade: Deanna Silva

    1-2 Self-Contained: Anahi Felix

    3-4 Grade Self-Contained: Kenneth Davis

    Literacy Interventionist: Brittany Hansen

    Music: Susan Parrish

    Changing Grade Levels: Lauren Collins & Ann Marie Jastal



    Please join us on Friday, August 6, 2021 for our very first in-person open house since the school closure due to Covid 19. To limit the spread of Covid 19, we are requesting that only one parent/guardian bring the student(s) who attend Granada West Elementary School to the event.

    We respectfully ask that you join us only during the 45 minute time frame for the assigned times below based on the child(s) last name.

    We hope to limit the amount of crowding on the school campus and in classrooms for your safety and the safety of our students who do not yet have the option of receiving a vaccine.

    We are highly encouraging face masks and continue to practice social distancing while on school campus. Please keep your child(ren) within arms reach at all times.

    We truly appreciate your understanding & cooperation in advance.

    Granada West Elementary Back to School Event

    Friday, August 6, 2021

    Last names:

    A-F 8:00-8:45AM

    G-M 8:45-9:30AM

    N-Z 9:30-10:15AM



    We all must work together to make Granada West Elementary School as safe as possible for students, teachers, and staff. While the Alhambra School District is taking measures to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, we need our families to do the same. In light of this, we will continue many of the safety and mitigation practices implemented last school year. Please review the following information on our school website.

    • Covid 19 Health & Safety Mitigation Protocols
    • Masks are “highly encouraged”
    • Cleaning/disinfection practices and will continue to be utilized
    • Volunteers/Visitors will not be permitted on campus
    • Quarantine procedures are currently under review for possible changes by public health from the CDC and Maricopa County Health Department
    • Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures will remain the same as last year