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Parent/Student Handbook 2024-2025
All parents/guardians must sign and acknowledge that they have been informed of the Alhambra Elementary School District 2024-2025 Selected Student Policies and Regulations Handbook. Parents have the opportunity to read the Handbook and review it with their child/children. Parents/Guardians understand that they may contact the Principal if there are any questions about the information contained in this Handbook.
Final 24_25 AESD Student and Parent Handbook English 8.20.24.pdf 936.33 KB (Last Modified on August 20, 2024)
Manual para Padres de Familia y Estudiantes de AESD - 2024-2025
Todos los padres / tutores deben firmar y reconocer que han sido informados del Manual de Políticas y Regulaciones para Estudiantes Seleccionados 2024-2025 del Distrito Escolar Primario Alhambra. A los padres se les ha dado la oportunidad de leer el Manual y repasarlo con sus hijos. Los padres / tutores entienden que pueden comunicarse con el director si tienen alguna pregunta sobre la información contenida en este manual.
Arizona Parental Rights Handbook
This document contains the required statutes per SB 1061 and fulfills the Department’s role in developing and posting the parental rights handbook pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-249.16. In addition to posting on the Department’s website, this document will be distributed to each public school for posting.
Additional versions of this handbook can be found here: https://www.azed.gov/parents
Parent_Rights_Handbook_Public_District_Schools_2023_Final.pdf 508 KB (Last Modified on August 16, 2023)
Parent/Student signatures on the STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and TECHNOLOGY USE AGREEMENT page of the annual AESD Student/Parent Handbook signify agreement and responsibility for the expectations noted herein related to device loans and acceptable use of district issued technology and electronic information systems.